Workshop "MnBi2Te4-based magnetic topological insulators"

Date & Facts

1819 Mar 2021

ct.qmat-internal workshop

Online event (zoom-link will be provided Feb 2021)


Important dates

  • 20 Dec 2020, Call for abstract
  • 12 Feb 2021, Extended submission deadline
  • 28 Feb 2021, Program announcement (you can find the workshop program here)
  • 18-19 Mar 2021, Workshop




The ct.qmat workshop "MnBi2Te4-based magnetic topological insulators" will be held virtually on 18-19 March 2021. Presently, a number of groups in Dresden and Würzburg are working on this research topic. The workshop is intended to provide an overview of recent scientific results and to promote joint activities and collaborations in ct.qmat.


The scope of the workshop covers experimental and theoretical studies of crystal structure, magnetic, electronic and transport properties, as well as different synthesis techniques (single crystal growth, MBE, exfoliation, etc.). The materials of interest include MnBi2Te4, (MnBi2Te4)·(Bi2Te3)m (e.g., MnBi4Te7, MnBi6Te10, MnBi8Te13, etc.), MnBi2-xSbxTe4, MnSb2Te4, MnBi2Se4 and related compounds.


The workshop will be ct.qmat-internal, but we are planning to invite two experts in the field as external speakers. Moreover, the workshop will feature contributed talks and posters. We invite all ct.qmat-coworkers to send us abstracts for contributed talks and poster presentations. Please, use the template below and send the abstract to Please indicate whether you prefer oral or poster presentation. If you would like to participate in the workshop without contribution, please also send us a message.


We hope that the workshop will inspire new ideas and new collaborations, which will further advance this branch of topological materials research.




Additional workshop material


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