Hallwachs-Röntgen Postdoc Program


The Hallwachs-Röntgen Postdoc Program is the Cluster’s flagship collaborative research scheme which is intended to form a link between the two of the most agile research environments on topological condensed matter physics in the world–Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg together with its external research institute (Bavarian Center for Applied Energy Research) and Technische Universität Dresden together with its external research institutes (Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, Leibniz Institute for Solid State and Materials Research, Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems, Max Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids).




The mission of the Hallwachs-Röntgen Postdoc program of ct.qmat is to identify, recruit, and support the most talented and promising young researchers working on topological quantum physics at an early stage of their careers. The program offers postdoctoral positions for two years (with an optional third year extension) at JMU Würzburg, TU Dresden, or one of ct.qmat's partner institutions.


HR postdocs are expected to perform ground-breaking research on topological and correlation phenomena in quantum matter, either experimental or theoretical. Their work should relate to one (or more) of the condensed-matter platform selectronic, magnetic, and photonic-which are in the focus of ct.qmat's research program. Ideally, HR postdocs work on topics that involve collaboration with ct.qmat host groups at both locations, thereby forming an active link between the research activities in Würzburg and Dresden. This may include spending substantial amounts of time at either place. In return, HR postdocs directly benefit from interaction with both complementary research environments while enjoying a status of an independent researcher with an opportunity to run their own research group and/or laboratory. Applicants are encouraged to present their own scientific ideas fitting to this concept and to identify suitable host groups.




A position of a Hallwachs-Röntgen Postdoc is open to any outstanding researcher who has

    • a doctoral degree in physics (or a closely related discipline)
    • in-depth research experience in topological physics, quantum materials, and/or correlated-electron physics
    • experience in teaching and student supervision
    • international visibility and high research output documented by publications, conference contributions, and by broad cooperation activities
    • an excellent command of English (knowledge of the German language is not a prerequisite)
    • provable ability to work independently and in a team



How to join

We are constantly looking for exceptional early career researchers of great promise.


Applications including

    • Cover letter or motivation letter (including a research statement identifying at which working group associated with the cluster you would like to work mainly AND which working group at the respective other location could be considered as a cooperation partner).
    • CV (including publication list & grants)
    • three letters of recommendation

can be send as a single pdf file by email at jobs.ct.qmat@listserv.dfn.de. Applications from females are particularly welcome.


For further information please check also our current job advertisement.



Currently funded Hallwachs-Röntgen Postdocs

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