Mini-symposium on the orbital angular momentum at the ECOSS 36

Date & Facts

28 Aug01 Sep 2023


What? Mini-Symposium (MS07) on “Orbital Angular Momentum-Based Phenomena in Quantum Materials and Their Surfaces” at the 36th European Conference on Surface Science ECOSS 36


When? The ECOSS 36 will be taking place from August 28 to September 1, 2023.


Where? The conference will be held in Lodz, Poland.


For more information on the ECOSS 36 and the mini-symposium, please visit the conference website.



In recent years, the notion that Bloch wave functions in crystalline solids can carry finite expectation values of orbital angular momentum (OAM) has become an important concept in condensed matter and surface physics. The OAM can, in its simplest conception, be considered an orbital analog of the electron’s spin. It has proven to be a useful observable for understanding the microscopic mechanisms underlying the physics in various types of quantum materials, such as topological insulators and semimetals, transition metal dichalcogenides, and two-dimensional surface systems. Moreover, the OAM has been proposed as an important new quantum degree of freedom that could be of use in so-called orbitronic devices. In this regard, orbital analogs of spintronic phenomena have already been predicted and realized. One key aspect directly related to these features is that the OAM is closely linked to the Berry curvature, which plays a pivotal role in topological materials. Furthermore, the OAM can be addressed experimentally in a momentum-resolved manner, using dichroic angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy (ARPES).

In this mini-symposium, we would like to bring together the OAM community as well as other interested researchers to share new ideas and further develop the elaborated concepts.


Keynote Speaker

Domenico Di Sante



Jakub Schusser

Mengyu Yao

Lukasz Plucinski

Arnab Bose



Maximilian Ünzelmann (JMU Würzburg, Germany)
Michael Schüler (Paul Scherrer Institut, Switzerland)


Image: © ECOSS 36/University of Lodz

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