Welcome to ct.qmat
We are the Cluster of Excellence ct.qmat – Complexity and Topology in Quantum Matter. Established in 2019, the Würzburg-Dresden Cluster ct.qmat is a leading international center for research on topological and complex quantum matter. Our aim is to develop a deep understanding of quantum phenomena in general and to identify materials in which those phenomena are observed in the laboratory. This is supported by educating and attracting top-level students and scientists as well as by supplementing infrastructure in both Würzburg and Dresden.
ct.qmat in a Nutshell
ct.qmat unites two of the leading research hubs in condensed matter physics: Dresden and Würzburg.

Powerful Network for Cutting-Edge Research. ct.qmat’s Würzburg spokesperson Ralph Claessen highlights its remarkable achievements:
"At the heart of our research are complexity and topology, two exciting key areas in modern condensed matter physics. We’ve developed quantum materials with unprecedented features, such as manganese bismuth telluride. Our team has made significant strides in superconductivity, topological insulators, and topological lasers. From two universities and our external partners, a network has grown that’s truly greater than the sum of its parts."

Continuing the Quantum Revolution. ct.qmat is leading the way, says its Dresden spokesperson Matthias Vojta:
"We’re leading the field with our discoveries. Developing a wide variety of materials using state-of-the-art synthesis techniques, we’ve firmly established Würzburg and Dresden as Germany’s premier centers of topological materials physics. We’re driven by curiosity and a commitment to systematically understanding topological physics. We also reach out to the public, including by launching an escape room for kids in 2024. That’s something we’re really passionate about!"